Saturday, June 7, 2008

Module 3 Activity 9

Module 3 Activity 9
• How can I use the Internet to support my teaching and students’ learning?
The Internet is the integral part of this unit. The students, collaborating with a partner, will use the Internet to research U.S. cities, locate pictures or clip art, access/record weekly stats, and locate information from credible sites. I will need to make sure the students are aware of /use the rules of “fair use” and citing when necessary. The students will make informed decisions by locating information concerning a player’s abilities/successes on the Internet before deciding whether or not to make a player trade. I don’t know if I’ll use the online collaboration tools at this time, but they are certainly items to consider for inclusion in the future. I just need to feel a little more comfortable with their use before asking my students to use them in the classroom.
• How can I ensure responsible and appropriate use of the Internet?
I do like the idea of student blog sites to allow students to express opinions, especially at the higher levels. Using blog and wiki sites without advertising will help make sure inappropriate material is not attached. The use of blogs and wikis both allow for teacher input along the way. In any case, my teaching will need to include discussions on copyright guidelines, appropriate uses of, and responsibilities associated with Internet use. Students will need to be introduced to/reminded of the idea of citing sources used. The use of AUP’s and student/parent contracts will help cut down on inappropriate usage of the Internet. Last, but not least, students will need constant monitoring throughout their usage of the internet.

1 comment:

Judy said...

It always helps to be comfortable with the technology. Sometimes, if you find things you like (like a blog site about a favorite hobby), it makes it easier.
As with anything, teachers need to keep on top of what the students are doing. There will always be those who choose to make inappropriate actions. I hope you find many new uses for all the new activities you are learning in this class.