Sunday, July 20, 2008

Module 5 Reflection

Reflect on how the focus of this module has helped you plan and create your unit.

How do I assess student learning? I am assessing student learning through the use of a variety of assessment tools. K-W-L and student journals (and possibly a jeopardy game --- I am still working on this one!) will help assess prior knowledge and understanding along the way. Throughout the unit, the students and teachers will use checklists and scoring guides. Teacher-Student conferencing will be used as needed. Peer editing will give the students a chance to evaluate activity results of others. Reflection questions, charts/graphs activities, interactive computer activities, and a final project will identify for me the student/class strengths and weaknesses.
How do I involve students in the assessment process? The students will assess their prior knowledge using K-W-L and their journals. Throughout the unit, the students will use checklists and scoring guides for self-assessment and to measure their progress. The students will have a chance to identify necessary items to be included on graphing scoring guides ahead of time. The students will pace themselves through several activities with only a deadline to meet. They will have chances to peer edit/evaluate activity results of other students, strengthening their assessment awareness.
Consider how the knowledge you gained from this module will impact your teaching and your students’ learning. Record your insights, key learnings, and questions or concerns in your reflection. By completing a student sample first, I was able to view activity products from the “students’ eye view.” It allowed me to focus on what was necessary to complete my objectives. Some activities we had thought about including became just that –activities for “fillers” or “fun,” not really necessary for the completion of our unit goals. By completing this module, the students will concentrate on necessary components, and I know what end result is expected. Steve and I know what skills are necessary to prepare the students for completion of our activities and also be useful in the future.

1 comment:

Judy said...

You have included a variety of ways to involve the students in the assessment process. The peer editing will give the students the opportunity to analyze the work of other students which should help them assess the level of success they are achieving. The checklists and guidelines will help to keep them on track. Building a unit this way definitely sheds "new" light on what is important and what isn't.