Sunday, June 29, 2008

Module 4: Students Sample Reflection

How can the creation of a student sample help me clarify unit expectations & improve my instructional design? The creation of the student sample helped me to understand & foresee the frustrations my students may experience & the approximate time it will take when creating their own projects. This sample also taught me how to create my own blog site that I will use with my parents/students during my family reading night.

How can I ensure students will achieve the learning objectives when creating their student projects? The parents/students will be given the opportunity to use a blog site possibly for the first time. During the family reading night the parents/students will work collaboratively using the prepared blog site to organize information and complete a graphic organizer. In each student’s education career blog sites will possibly be used over & over and knowing how to navigate & use a blog site is essential.

Friday, June 27, 2008

How can the creation of a student sample help me clarify unit expectations and improve my instructional design? The creation of the student sample helped me to think about the process I would use with the students.

How can I ensure students will achieve the learning objectives when creating their student projects?
Each student will dictate their fact about the leader to an adult in our classroom. Re-teaching/redirection can occur at this time if necessary.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Module 4 Student Sample reflection

How can the creation of a student sample help me clarify unit expectations and improve my instructional design?How can I ensure students will achieve the learning objectives when creating their student projects?By completing the student sample I was able to gain a better understanding of what my students would need to know. Now I will be able to focus more on what my students will need to know. To ensure that we reach our learning objectives I will use a checklist and a rubric to go along with the brochure. This way the students will know exactly what I expect of them, and I will be able to make sure that they are reaching the objectives.

Consider how the knowledge you have gained from this module will impact your teaching and your students’ learning. Record your insights, key learnings, and questions or concerns in your reflection. Through this module I have been able to see how the internet can make a positive impact on my teaching and my students' learning. I have found some web sites that I can definitely use with my 1st grade students and I have explored a couple of different projects for them to work on. I am still concerned that making a brochure might be a little difficult for my students. I have a couple of ideas that may make this a little easier. We could work in pairs and complete the brochure together as much as possible. Another way to help would be to have my students work with an older student when making their brochure.
How can the creation of a student sample help me clarify unit expectations and improve my instructional design?
The student sample helped me experience first hand the frustrations my students will face. It also allowed me to understand how to make myself more clear when explaining the project.
How can I ensure students will achieve the learning objectives when creating their student projects?
Through the use of checklists, rubrics, presentations, and other standard assessment forms like test, we can see if students are comprehending the information they are required to know.

Module 4 Reflection

Module Questions
1. How can the creation of a student sample help me clarify unit expectations and improve my instructional design?
By completing a student sample, I became aware of what the students were expected to accomplish, approximate time necessary to complete the activity, and assessment requirements. I became aware of some of the frustrations the student might experience, and dealing with them provided the opportunity for me to grow in my technological knowledge and skills.
2. How can I ensure students will achieve the learning objectives when creating their student projects?
Students will demonstrate the targeted skills multiple times, reinforcing learning. A checklist and rubrics will be provided for student self-assessment. To increase 21st Century skills, the students will work collaboratively using a Wiki site to organize and publish their creations.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Module 3

How can I use the internet to support my teaching & students' learning?

I have just completed my first year as a Title 1 Reading Teacher. I am excited about looking for new ways to use the internet with my students. Being in the position I am in, I usually only have students about 25 minutes a day, so doing extensive projects with my students is really not feasible. I have been searching for reading interactive sites that I can take my students to that will enhance concept or skills they are learning. I would also like to create a teacher web page that my parents & students can go to where they have access to not only my e-mail but to many interactive reading sites that they can use from home.

How can I ensure responsible & appropriate use of the Internet?

Again, I only have my students for a short period of time each day so monitoring their internet use is relatively easy for me to do. When we use the internet, I am always interacting with my students & checking that they are on task. I always try to make every minute count!!!!
Today is the first day I was able to get on to this blog site so I am currently trying to figure out how this works. The internet at school blocked this site but yesterday our tech guy came in & unblocked it for me. Yea!!!!!!

Mod 3

How can I use the internet to support my teaching and students' learning?
The internet will allow my students to communicate with their host families in an entirely different way. Host families will be able to contact students online (only with my assistance), rather than "snail mail", to talk about their visit. It will be a much faster response time.

How can I ensure responsible and appropriate use of the internet? Students and parents are asked at the beginning of the year to fill out a computer-user policy where they agree to certain online rules. I will also do a lot of the online "stuff" using a projector and one laptop. When the students are all using computers, I will monitor the students continuously and frequently check screens.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Module 3

How can I use the Internet to support my teaching and students' learning?
I'm really excited about the possibilities, of using the internet with my students. I have used it in the past but there are some new considerations I have discovered. For instance, in the past with my ITV classes, I have created some activities in which the all my students can interact with each other, usually offline, but with this unit, I realized that I can have them all interacting online with almost every activity. This not only helps my students learn the subject area but allows them to interact with others they do not know - something that doesn't always occur in a 2A school!

How can I ensure responsible and appropriate use of the Internet?
Monitoring is one of the most important ways in which to ensure responsible and appropriate use. A school can have all sorts of other provisions in place but without monitoring student work, you can't ensure that students are following all guidelines.

Module 3 Reflection

After reading this module I will encourage my administration to have the elementary students/parents sign an acceptable use policy for the upcoming year.


Monday, June 9, 2008

Another thing I was excited to learn about during this lesson was the eductional, student friendly and speciality search engines.
One way I have learned to use the Internet to support my teaching and enhance student learning is how to use Google Images. (Thanks to the ladies who sat with me during the face to face training.) I had never done this prior to class. I often tried to look for pictures on the internet but Google Images will make this so much faster and easier.

Another thing I learned was about the copyright laws and how they apply to internet usage. This knowledge will not benefit my students as much as it wil me.

All students and parents sign a computer agreement form in the fall, however I feel the primary way to promote responsible and appropriate internet use is through constant monitoring. My kindergarten students do not conduct independent web searches. They are allowed to go to sites that I have previously marked as favorites.


Saturday, June 7, 2008

Module 3 Activity 9

Module 3 Activity 9
• How can I use the Internet to support my teaching and students’ learning?
The Internet is the integral part of this unit. The students, collaborating with a partner, will use the Internet to research U.S. cities, locate pictures or clip art, access/record weekly stats, and locate information from credible sites. I will need to make sure the students are aware of /use the rules of “fair use” and citing when necessary. The students will make informed decisions by locating information concerning a player’s abilities/successes on the Internet before deciding whether or not to make a player trade. I don’t know if I’ll use the online collaboration tools at this time, but they are certainly items to consider for inclusion in the future. I just need to feel a little more comfortable with their use before asking my students to use them in the classroom.
• How can I ensure responsible and appropriate use of the Internet?
I do like the idea of student blog sites to allow students to express opinions, especially at the higher levels. Using blog and wiki sites without advertising will help make sure inappropriate material is not attached. The use of blogs and wikis both allow for teacher input along the way. In any case, my teaching will need to include discussions on copyright guidelines, appropriate uses of, and responsibilities associated with Internet use. Students will need to be introduced to/reminded of the idea of citing sources used. The use of AUP’s and student/parent contracts will help cut down on inappropriate usage of the Internet. Last, but not least, students will need constant monitoring throughout their usage of the internet.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Mod. 3 Internet Use

How can I use the internet to support my teaching and students' learning?

How can I ensure responsible and appropriate use of the internet?

This module has made me look at using the internet more in my Kansas Day unit. I would like to have my students use e-mail to correspond with someone at the Kansas State Historical Society. Hopefully this person will be able to give us information about Indians found in Kansas.

To ensure responsible and appropriate use of the internet I will discuss the computer use contract with my students. Usually it is something that I have the parents discuss with their students. A lot of times the parents just tell their child to sign on the line and don't really discuss it with their child, so if I discuss it with the students they should all understand the things we should and shouldn't do on the school computers. Since I teach 1st grade I need to make sure that any site I send my students to is safe for them. I usually don't allow them to just "surf the web." I usually have the web site(s) they are supposed to go to in a word document or in the favorites list on the computer. This way I have a little more control over where they are going on the web.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Mod 3 Afterthought

I found the copyright section very interesting. I found out how little I really knew. This is definitely something that should be discussed with the students before starting any unit involving research for information or pictures from the internet.

Mod 3 Internet Use

The internet is a valuable tool that is increasing in value in the real world. Students need to become familiar and comfortable with its use to keep up with real world trends. Students can use the internet, not only to research and chat, but for classroom learning and practice on skills. I use QUIA, a site that allows me to design games that include material from chapters. In my science class, I basically took tested concepts, and worded them in different ways on different games. The games could be accessed from school or home. They allowed students to practice the material/concepts, and increased understanding of the chapter. It also allowed me to give computer graded quizzes, if I chose. I set up several quizzes on basics like terms of math operations and properties. The students take the quiz at a determined time. If they didn't pass, they were able to retake the quiz to try to improve their score. Steve introduced us to Timez Attack this year, which is an internet based computer game (set up like a video game) that allows the students to practice multiplication facts. The kids love it! We also were allowed to do an introductory trial to Study Island, a math site with skill practice based on the state standards by grade level (which the school is purchasing the license for our use next year.) The students use the internet to design placemats for a class luncheon in Social Studies. Their designs were sent to an in-house business class that printed and laminated the placemats. It made the placemat production a lot easier, and the students had some pretty cool placemats in the end.

To help control appropriate use and responsible use of the internet in the high school, our district requires the students and parents to sign a permission form. It states that use is only allowed as long as the student is using the internet access appropriately. We have a little more control in the grade school setting, but as the students become more aware of what is on the internet, that may have to change, especially in the upper level. Monitoring sites to be used helps, but instructions for inappropriate material that may pop-up need to be given.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Module 4 - Reflection - Student Sample

How can the creation of a student sample help me clarify unit expectations and improve my instructional design?
How can I ensure students will achieve the learning objectives when creating their student projects?

Consider how the knowledge you have gained from this module will impact your teaching and your students’ learning. Record your insights, key learnings, and questions or concerns in your reflection.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Internet Use in Learning - Module 3 Everyone should respond to this also

How can I use the Internet to support my teaching and students' learning?

How can I ensure responsible and appropriate use of the Internet?

The internet is a valuable, real-world tool at which students should become competent. Monitored use on research and other projects in class can increase their confidence and capability, making them more successful in their studies.