Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Module 6 reflection

How can I help my students become self directed learners? In a first grade classroom this is an ongoing process throughout the year. I can provide my students with checklist and rubrics to help guide them in their learning. However in 1st grade we will spend a lot of time learning to become self directed. At first we will do our checklists and rubrics together and then as the year progresses we will be able to accomplish more on our own.

How can I support the diverse learning needs of my learners? One way I can support my diverse needs is by knowing what type of a learner all of my students are. In the primary grades most of our learners are kinesthetic learners and so I need to be sure that I give them plenty of "hands-on" opportunities. I need to also make sure that I challenge my higher level students and give them opportunities to develop their projects more than the rest.

1 comment:

Judy said...

Your comments about self-directed learners and supporting the diverse needs of those learners is very insightful. You definitely have lots of kinesthetic learners and it is really important to teach to this learner. The higher level students may enjoy a few more choices also.